Thank You Poem: From Farms To Forks 13

On November 6th, 2022 we hosted our 13th annual From Farms to Forks fundraiser. We have celebrated From Farms to Forks for the past two years online, so it was a special milestone to return to this event in person. In following tradition, our founder Merri Schwartz has written a poem to thank the many people and organizations that made From Farms to Forks 13 happen. Thank you all!

From Farms to Forks 13: Thank You Poem

Oh my, what a joy, to gather in person,

It’s been far too long, our hearts were a hurtin’.

So though we are smaller, and seated, we’re here!

Let’s raise a glass with warm hearts and good cheer.

Now you know the drill—there are thanks we must make, 

To the many whose toil and whose hands it does take,

To pull this together, to get you all fed,

We’ll eat and we’ll drink once these thanks have been said!

And on that note, let’s start off with wine! 

Mission Hill for the pairings, the sips oh-so-fine.

And Bella, the sparkling you imbibed as you entered,

We all know the wine’s where the dinner is centered.

To PICA, for year after year as our hosts,

Without them there’d be nowhere else for our toasts!

To Whole Foods, a sponsor, you’re just so darn generous,

Artona, for printing the programs among us.

Many drinks to enjoy, both boozy and not,

You just won’t believe the refreshments we’ve got!

Plenty Hard, Karma Soda, KICS, Bucha Brew,

Of course there is beer: Strange Fellows, too.

For oysters: Outlandish. From Terra: our bread.

The farms and producers who keep us well fed.

They’re here, they’re among us! So keep an eye peeled,

And thank them for bringing you food from their fields.

SpencerCreo—our office, our home and our space,

You gave Growing Chefs the most lovely place.

Of course, to the chefs, we are ever-so-tickled,

You came and created, you seared and you pickled.

Speaking of chefs, thanks to Ted and to Tret,

Our live auction chefs on whose skills you will bet,

And bid! That’s a hint. So keep your cards ready,

When bidding starts up, keep those hands waving steady.

Our silent auction donors, too many to name,

Our Emcees, without who, t’would not be the same,

Margaret and Shiva, with eloquent chatter,

Who keep us apprised of the flow of the matter.

Our Champion Radishes—25 with us,

They donate each month to keep us in business.

Our Board, for their vision, their guidance so grand,

Our staff, who are truly the best in the land.

The volunteers who showed up to help you all feast, 

Pedersens, for rentals, not last and not least.

To Kym Buna Real Estate, a sponsor so kind,

To Blue Heron/Lumi for blowing our minds…

With cheese! It is vegan! Believe it or not.

With H4H honey, Davis Bay Tea in the pot.

We’re surrounded by flowers, four generous shops,

Donated those bunches to grace table tops.

Edible Vancover and Scout, for spreading the word,

Without them who knows if you’d even have heard,

That we’re back! Back in action. With our 13th darn gala!

And whew! Thanks a lot, that’s all I’ve got to tell ya.