
A Growing Team at Growing Chefs – Welcome Back Morgan!

Growing Chefs Cooking and Gardening Morgan Shupe 5.jpg


My name is Morgan Shupe and I am the new Communications Coordinator for Growing Chefs. Some of you may already know me, as I was formally working at Growing Chefs as the Program & Operations Assistant. After having my second daughter in 2019, I decided to take an extended leave off to spend with my family but now I am back and happy to be able to rejoin Growing Chefs!

When I first started working at Growing Chefs in early 2018, I wrote a similar introduction blog post where I talked about how food was my life long passion and how I have been cooking in the kitchen since I was a toddler - really my parents couldn’t get me out of the kitchen if they tried. Well, I am happy to report that over my time off I have continued to pass down my love of the kitchen and the garden to both my daughters.

Lucy, age 3.5, is now slowly learning to use a real knife and stir food at the stove but her favourite thing to do is roll dough out for pies and pizzas. Addy, age 19 months, loves to taste everything, “wash” dishes, and turn the blender button on. They both, of course, love to measure and mix things.

Both girls love to garden with me. Since we don’t have any winter crops in our small garden, we have been trying to grow microgreens this winter. The girls are eager to get back into the garden this Spring and Lucy has big plans of growing lots of flowers.

We also spent some time last Spring and Fall foraging in the forests close by our home. I love that I am able to share my passion for food and plants with my daughters, and that I get to work at an organization, like Growing Chefs, where those same passions align.

I am so happy to be back to continue to advocate for a just, healthy, sustainable food system and to be able to help build the Growing Chefs community.

Morgan, Growing Chefs is so lucky to have you back!