Introducing Mungy and Christie!

We are so excited to welcome UBC Teacher Candidates Mungy and Christie who will be working with us for their three-week Community Field Experience course. Here’s a little more about them!

Mandip Dhaliwal (Mungy)

Hello friends! My name is Mandip Dhaliwal, but you can call me “Mungy”. I am a proud father of two beautiful boys Midas (3.5) and Maxis (1.5), both of whom love to raid the family fridge. I’m currently wrapping up my Teacher Education Program at UBC and I am so very grateful joining the Growing Chefs team to gain some valuable community field experience. Food is such an important part of my culture and an excellent way to learn about other cultures from across the world. 

Before applying to the Education Program, I was a cook/chef for over 10 years. I was very fortunate to work in the culinary world which allowed me to travel across this beautiful country. I have worked in Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, and many parts of Vancouver Island. However, no matter where I work, I have always been connected to giving back to the community. I’ve had the opportunity to work with local chefs and food distribution companies, to organize charitable events in and around my community. Food Insecurity is a global issue that we can all help combat by reducing waste, improving agricultural yields, and working towards defeating climate change. 

A few fun facts about me are that I love ketchup. Ever since I was little it has always been Heinz for me. The history of the condiment and its revolutionary conception have always fascinated me. One of my bucket list items would be to visit the Heinz factory in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 

Christie Ou Yang

Hello everyone! My name is Christie Ou Yang and I am currently an elementary Teacher Candidate from UBC completing my 3-week Community Field Experience (CFE) with Growing Chefs! I am so lucky to have this opportunity as the whole world is trying to navigate through online learning. Food has been a huge part of my life and my culture! I am very passionate about sharing knowledge and skills about cooking healthy, eating healthy, and living healthy!

Food is a big part of Asian culture. We not only eat for nourishing purposes, we also eat to celebrate the big and little moments in life. Coming from a Taiwanese background, I grew up eating a variety of Chinese and Asian dishes from other regions in Asia. I am very proud of the varieties and complexities Asian cuisine has to offer and have transferred this passion into a mini Asian Food Map project during my practicum.

However, to be quite frank, as much as I have tried various dishes in my life, I didn't really know where food on my plate came from. After moving to Vancouver, I started to learn more about different kinds of produce of each season and the local food systems. I enjoy shopping at local markets or farmer’s markets to get fresh produce straight from the farmers and local providers. I love cooking at home and creating healthier versions of the dishes I love. I am also passionate about sharing healthy living tips and experiences with people to build positive relationships between food and the self.